William St-Wal

Plus d’informations sur http://williamsaintval.com   He was born in Strasbourg, the concrete encounter with dance takes place in high school. Then he tooks lessons at the Strasbourg Dance Academy and took his first steps at the Strasbourg Opera in « Tristes tropiques, Rigoletto, Tarare ». In 1993, he formed a duet piano & voice named « Black & […]

Stephanie O’Brien

Plus d’informations sur www.stephanieomusic.com Communication info@stephanieomusic.com British singer-songwriter Stephanie O’s musical journey began in her hometown of London, with curiosity paving the way for a path full of adventure. Inspired by artists who, before her, felt the attraction of Paris calling, she ventured out to create a new canvas and give free rein to her creativity. After bidding […]

Nemanja Radulovic

Plus d’informations surwww.nemanjaviolin.com ManagementIMG Artists, Derek Chandruangdchandruang@imgartists.com DiffusionIMG Artists, Juliette Vixjvix@imgartists.com  CommunicationWarnerwww.warnerclassics.com  LabelWarner  www.warnerclassics.com Winner of the 2015 Echo Klassik Award for Newcomer of the Year, Serbian-French violinst Nemanja Radulović has taken the classical music world by storm with his thrilling virtuosity, depth of expression, and adventurous programming, both in the recording studio and on […]

Sarah Nemtanu

Plus d’informations surhttps://outhere-music.com/fr/labels/alpha-classics DiffusionLocksBridge  Zekeriya zekeriya@locksbridge.net CommunicationIsabelle Gillouard Communicationmail@isabellegillouard.com LabelAlphahttps://outhere-music.com/fr/labels/alpha-classics Violoniste de l’Orchestre National de France, Sarah Nemtanu (née en 1981) est sous les feux des projecteurs grâce au film Le Concert qui la révèle. À l’été 2010, elle signe son premier album solo Gypsic, constitué de pièces classiques et de mélodies tziganes. La musicienne franco-roumaine, fille du […]

Olivier Korber

Plus d’informations surhttps://olivierkorber.com/ CommunicationIsabelle Gillouard Communicationmail@isabellegillouard.com   En 2022, le premier Quatuor à cordes d’Olivier Korber est créé par le quatuor Akilone au Centre de Musique de Chambre de Paris, tandis que l’orchestre Colonne et son directeur musical Marc Korovitch programment ses oeuvres symphoniques.Fasciné par la voix, il met en musique des poèmes de Baudelaire et est […]

Luka Faulisi

Plus d’informations surwww.lukafaulisi.com Management IMG Artist, Juliette Vix jvix@imgartists.com CommunicationIsabelle Gillouard Communication mail@isabellegillouard.com LabelSony Classicalhttps://sonyclassical.com/ With ‘a million dollar sound’ (Pinchas Zukerman), twenty year-old Luka Faulisi is one of the most promising violinists of his generation. Having started to play the violin at the age of three, Luka was a student of Boris Belkin at the […]

Amel Brahim Djelloul

Plus d’informations surwww.amelbrahimdjelloul.com Management Agence RSB Artists agents@rsbartists.com DiffusionMarine Pierrot Detry marinepierrotdetry@gmail.com Promotion La soprano Amel Brahim-Djelloul poursuit son chemin lumineux et singulier, riche de ses deux cultures. En témoignent deux nouveaux enregistrements paraissant à l’automne et qui ponctueront de concerts sa saison 2022/2023 : « Les chemins qui montent », programme autour de chants de Kabylie […]